Transport and Infrastructure

Accelerating the transition to a circular economy

Transport and Infrastructure

Accelerating the transition to a circular economy

According to the European Environment Agency (EEA) transport accounts for a third of all energy consumption across Europe and for more than a fifth of greenhouse gas emissions. As a result, governments are investing heavily in ultra-low emission vehicles (ULEVs) and other low-carbon forms of transportation, which is fundamentally changing the structure of the landscape. 

A cultural shift is underway, with parts of society embracing key elements of the sharing economy, such as, maximising the value from under-used assets like cars. This gradual change in behaviour can, in time, be underpinned by clean technology, and the further diversification of transport infrastructure for electric vehicles and the use of alternative fuels such as hydrogen.

Growth in electric transportation will ultimately lead to a smarter, more robust power infrastructure. As a result of advancements in vehicle–to-grid (V2G) technology and smart charging, EVs can contribute to our long-term energy security by providing much needed demand-side response ancillary services. Smart charging can promote the use of renewables over fossil fuels, by incentivising charging during periods in which renewable energy production is at its height.

As our mobility evolves, decarbonisation will also cut to the heart of our construction and supply chain industries. In time this will dictate how our buildings are designed, built and managed, with a focus on regeneration and the creation of value from waste.

GreenEdge supports the integration of environmentally sustainable practices with asset management, whereby financial performance is considered alongside social and environmental impacts (Triple Bottom Line, 3BL).

GreenEdge Limited is a limited liability company registered in England with registered number 12079131. Our registered office is at 71 – 75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9JQ. 

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